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Public Release


Public Release means deploying to Maven Central. Only core team members are granted to deploy into Public Repository.


Most of the steps for a public release are done by the GitHub workflow.

Snapshot Release

The daily snapshot release is managed by Publish Snapshot workflow, it is scheduled to be deployed at midnight every day.

Feature Release

  1. Cut new branch from master branch, e.g. branch-0.3;
  2. Update version in version.txt and docker/.env-dev, e.g. from 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.3.0;
  3. Create new tag, e.g. v0.3.0, it will trigger the Publish Release workflow;
  4. Verify, close, and release in Sonatype Repository
  5. Announce in GitHub Release
  6. Update version in version.txt and docker/.env-dev, e.g. from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1-SNAPSHOT;
  7. Update version on master branch in version.txt and docker/.env-dev, e.g. from 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT to 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT;
  8. Publish Docker image after jars available in Maven Central, generally it costs few minutes after step 3.

Patch Release

Just emit step 1 and step 7 from feature release.